biodata heriss skuy

biodata heriss skuy

Heriss Skuyy - Biodata, Profil, Fakta, Umur, Agama, Pacar, Karier Heriss Skuyy or Heriss Dirgantara is an Indonesian YouTuber and content creator, known for his unique content in Ome TV. He was born on January 8, 2000 in Bandung, Indonesia and is currently 23 years old. He studied at STKIP Pasundan Cimahi in West Java, majoring in English Education. Heriss Skuyy is also a fan of fishing. Heriss Skuyy's YouTube channel has gained popularity for his special talents in magic and hacking, as well as his youthful appearance. His videos are often re-uploaded on his YouTube account. Like popular YouTuber Fiki Naki, Heriss is also involved in the world of Ome TV streaming. Some interesting facts about Heriss Skuyy: his real name is Herissyandhi Dirgantara, he was known for his ability to hack from a distance, and his Instagram account, @heriss_dirgantara, has been verified by Dewan Pers Sertifikat Nomor. Despite his popularity, Heriss Skuyy has faced criticism for allegedly violating the privacy of others. Nevertheless, he continues to create content and interact with fans through his YouTube channel and social media accounts.